The Ceylon gem industry, rooted in the rich history and tradition of Sri Lanka, has long been revered for its abundance of precious gemstones and its deep-seated significance in the global market. Sri Lanka, historically known as Ceylon, has been celebrated for its exceptional reserves of sapphires, rubies, and a multitude of other gemstones, earning it the title of the "Island of Gems."

The history of the Ceylon gem market dates back thousands of years, with evidence of Sri Lankan gemstone trade found in ancient texts, archaeological findings, and royal treasuries around the world. The island's gemstones, particularly sapphires and rubies, have adorned the crowns and jewelry of royalty and aristocracy throughout history, symbolizing wealth, power, and prestige.
The Ceylon gem industry has preserved its legacy through generations, with the meticulous art of gem cutting and polishing passed down from master craftsmen to apprentices. This tradition has contributed to the reputation of Sri Lankan gemstones for their exceptional quality and unparalleled beauty.

In contemporary times, Sri Lanka remains a prominent player in the global gem market, with a bustling industry that encompasses mining, trading, cutting, and export. The gem markets in cities like Colombo and Ratnapura attract traders and enthusiasts from around the world, offering a diverse array of gemstones, including sapphires, garnets, spinels, and more, each carrying the legacy of Sri Lanka's esteemed gemstone heritage.

The Ceylon gem industry's history is a testament to the enduring allure and value of Sri Lankan gemstones, and its continued presence in the global market showcases the enduring legacy of the "Island of Gems" as a beacon of exceptional quality and unparalleled beauty in the world of gemstones.